Chris and Riri…. Yes, they are Back together but look at THE BIGGER PICTURE…..

And the saga continues

Today, I wanted to follow up on something that I posted on facebook concerning these two love birds. As you and most of the world knows that Chris Brown and Rihanna have been seen together in various places over the last few months. Chris Brown was in a relationship with a young lady and decided to break it off because of “his friendship with Rihanna.” Whatever that means. Now, everyone supposedly saw the candid interview, Rihanna did with Oprah when she confessed her feelings for Chris Brown an how she forgave him for what happened. Well since then the two have been in contact and been seen in various places around the world.

My thought on this, is I am happy for them. I think its amazing that in this unforgiving society we live in these two can find such happiness in each other that nothing else matters. Its been a few years and these two were only connected by tv or social media since Chris Brown was “court ordered” not to come within 1000ft or have any contact with “RiRi” for the duration of his probation. Probation is over and he is a free man technically. After all that, these two are back in each other arms like they never missed a beat, shocking the world. Some people are upset because of the violence he did towards her and wonder why would she take him back after that. Others are shocked because he went back after she sent him to jail or as the hood would say, “call the man” on him.

My take is so different because I think that if you love someone truly then nothing stands in the way of that love. Not time, not people, not rumors or anything and who are we to judge? This is that type of love or care for another human being that most of our elders understand. The younger generation, meaning 40yrs and younger are not familiar with this type of love. These two were not happy apart and even though Chris had his beautiful girlfriend and Rihanna had her many suitors and “one-week fling” neither were happy. And to add they were making other people miserable by not being 100% with them and their feelings. I do believe that Chris loved his girlfriend, Karueche, however I also believe he wasn’t “in love” with her like he is with Rihanna. That was his best friend and anyone knows if the person you love and is “in love” with is your best friend, thats a special kind of love and very rare.

I say let them be “young, wild and free” and applaud the resiliency of their love for each other. Applaud Rihanna’s maturity in being able to forgive him and applaud Chris Brown for his maturity and learning from his mistakes and regardless of what happens between them, its their life not yours. Rihanna obviously has forgiven him and the relationship they had, the love was so strong that she is going to try it again in order to be happy again. Let me guess, not you, naw, you would move onto the next and let him be. Well that’s your prerogative but maybe if you stop walking away every time something goes wrong you might find something that goes right.  Now, that’s a special kind of love. Love sometimes does actually win in the end. This is a prime example of how time can actually heal wounds as the old people would say. I know most of the “younger generation” would have simply given up and move onto the next, searching for that special love and might have found it again or not. Forgiveness and understanding of things is a very powerful tool in relationships. Let’s Love and LET LIVE…

Disclaimer: My views or opinions do not condone violence against women nor do they condone violence against men in any case.


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